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GRS Kits : GWR AEC Diesel Railcar & LNER Horsebox

Started by John Candy, Aug 15 2009 08:14

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John Candy

If you are about to construct (or have constructed) one of these GRS kits you may be interested in this offer.

The AEC railcar kit is supplied with a simple etched mesh to represent the ventilation panels for the engine cooling system, etc. whereas the radiator ducts were in fact covered by louvred vents which scooped air according to direction of travel.

I have cast (in resin) a set for my own kit (which has been partly assembled for about 3 years!) and everytime I cast parts for other models I have been pouring any surplus resin into the mould for the railcar louvres.
I now have a limited number of spare sets (4 castings to a set) which I am offering to Gauge 3 Society members.
If you would like a set all I ask is that you send two First Class stamps, which will cover the cost of postage and padded envelope.

In the first instance, contact me by e-mail webmaster@gauge3.org.uk(giving your full name, membership number and address) to check continuing availability and I will reply with my address.

Another improvement I can offer is for the GRS LNER horsebox : The upper door louvres are rather crudely scored on the kit as supplied but I have spare sets of cast louvres which considerably improve the appearance. These are available on same terms as the railcar parts.
My fellow Members, ask not what your Society can do for you, ask what you can do for your Society.