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  G3 Clubroom

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How this 'Project' section works.

Started by John Candy, Feb 19 2010 16:44

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John Candy

If you wish to initiate a project, post a message with the subject line being the object you wish to model (e.g. LBSC 4 and 6-wheel carriages) then use the body of the message to expand on your ideas and invite others to subscribe to this project.

When you think you have received sufficient messages of support to proceed, ask me to create a special forum board for you, where your group can work on the proposal among themselves (exchanging images, ideas, costings, progress reports, etc.).

The only people able to access 'your' board will be the members of your group, the Moderator and myself.

This will enable you to conduct your business without the distraction of messages from outside your group.

I hope this works well and encourages a wave of new projects (and consequent availability of kits and parts for all G3 members).

John Candy
My fellow Members, ask not what your Society can do for you, ask what you can do for your Society.