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Changes to the Forum

Started by John Candy, Feb 18 2022 15:54

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John Candy

I have applied a newly-released software package which has updated and improved the forum.
The obvious difference is the visual appearance but there are many changes in the way the forum operates, both for users and administrators.

I well shortly post more details of the additional/improved functions which are available.

Meanwhile, the forum appears to be working correctly but should you experience any problems/errors in operation, please let me know.

John Candy
My fellow Members, ask not what your Society can do for you, ask what you can do for your Society.

John Candy

Further to my previous message, I have been looking into the changes in the way the forum operates.
There are dozens of changes, most of which do not affect "users" (just management functions) but a few points I can clarify so far are:-

1) Hovering the cursor above message header within board listings will show a preview of message content (does not apply to index page "Recent Posts" listing).

2)  https://g3forum.org.uk/index.php?action=recent this link shows all recent posts in (reverse) chronological order (the embedded link "View the most recent posts on the forum " is in the "Forum Stats" section at bottom of the index page.

3) The option to "add image" which was available under the old software was via a "plugin" application provided by a third party. Unfortunately, that "plugin" is incompatible with the upgraded software. I am looking for an alternative but so far have found none. The new software became available only a week ago, so it may be a while until something similar becomes available. Meanwhile, the "Attachment" option is available.

More information will be posted, when I have found time to wade through the manual.

My fellow Members, ask not what your Society can do for you, ask what you can do for your Society.